Aims, Topics:
The relationship between anatomical traits, metabolome and physiotype shall be presented and analyzed for model plants featuring C3, C4 and CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) photosynthesis types.
The employed methods include microclimatic monitoring as well as metabolic profile analysis and diurnal acid metabolism (GCMS, titration), cation content (HPLC), and a variety of photosynthesis activity parameters (Imaging PAM, SPAD ...) including the detection of photosynthesis pigments, stomata inprint and conductive vessel microscopy.
Experimental Design, Plants studied:
Maize, Field Bean, and three Clusia species:
C. rosea (CAM), C. minor (falcultative CAM), C. multiflora (C3)
The Plants are grown in outdoor cultivation conditions and subjected to two treatment conditions that may induce CAM or repress that metabolic option.